About The Underground Parent

The Underground Parent hopes to provide parents and others with information that will be useful in navigating the implementation of current education reform measures and what they might do that will help students receive a locally determined knowledge based academic education.

This website is one formed from combining two websites. In 2008, a site called The Underground Parent was started on another platform. Around 2012 or 2013, a group was getting ready to start a website about the Common Core in Washington State. In searching around, they found a site called Stop Common Core in Washington State that had been started by a couple of moms who were concerned about the Common Core State Standards. Rather than creating a new site and group, the two joined forces. The site was redesigned and more content was added. Eventually the two moms drifted away from working on the site but not before Stop Common Core in Washington State had grown into a statewide, non-partisan network of concerned parents, citizens, voters, taxpayers, and organizations in the state of Washington.

Over time, the limited focus the name provided, Stop Common Core in Washington State, was not broad enough to include other important education issues that have emerged. As a result, Stop Common Core in Washington State and the old The Underground Parent have merged to become the new The Underground Parent. All of the posts and content from both sites are now on this site.

This does not mean that the Common Core is no longer an issue. It is an issue and will continue to be addressed with efforts made to stop it in Washington State.

The image below is from the Stop Common Core in Washington State website.

The Underground Parent aims to address education issues related to: parental rights, local control of schools, and classical liberal arts education.

The Underground Parent defines parents’ rights as the right and responsibility to make determinations regarding their child’s upbringing and education, including decisions about: academic training, transfer of religious and moral values, and the child’s physical health and mental well being.

The Underground Parent believes regaining local control will require parents, taxpayers, voters, and local officials to stand strong in demanding this constitutionally protected right. The Underground Parent rejects the undue influence of corporations, foundations, public/private partnerships, private financial investors, and special interest groups in our public education system.

4 Responses to About The Underground Parent

  1. Well done. Your site is balanced, well written, and a fair treatment of the Common Core Standards (CCS). Not only will the CCS hurt children and teachers, but a hidden goal is the excessive amount of money to be realized by big education businesses. These hidden motives for profit drive the political agenda to control our schools.

    Dr. Charles Bickenheuser

  2. Ren Gron says:

    Don’t agree!! My grandson is THRIVING under it. My daughter-in-law is thrilled with it!! That’s enough for me. Go see the videos on The Teaching Channel. Most people don’t even know what it does….

    Keep your minds open, people… search for knowledge… don’t take someone else’s word for it…

  3. Carrie says:

    Common Core math is boring, doing the same problem, for example, 6 different ways is making math boring to our young people. They don’t like math much anymore after this was implemented. I am a parent and we are against it! We like math, but not Common Core, which- I think should be renamed Common Bore! Useless drawing and doing the problem a million different ways is NOT helping anyone, especially anyone who used to like math! The kids motivation and enthusiasm is dying under this forced Common Core program. Get rid of it and bring back tried and true math!

  4. Pingback: More Life for The Underground Parent? That’s the Plan | The Underground Parent

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